Running the Marathon for Narcolepsy UK

28th May 2018

2019 Virgin Money London Marathon

As we have had some interest from potential runners in next year’s London Marathon, we thought we would explain the position of the charity when it comes to obtaining places.

There are three different bond schemes operated by London Marathon Events Ltd. These are:

The Golden Bond Scheme

A Virgin Money London Marathon Golden Bond gives the charity that holds it five guaranteed places in the event each year. This scheme has been fully subscribed for many years and the waiting list is closed for the foreseeable future.

The Silver Bond scheme

The Virgin Money London Marathon Silver Bond scheme gives a charity one guaranteed place into the event every five years. This scheme is also fully subscribed and the waiting list is closed.

The Charity Ballot scheme

So, we are restricted to either individuals who have secured British Athletics Club entry, a personal ballot place or the outcome of the charity ballot (500 places:1 per charity application)

If we secure a place via the charity ballot, we will hear by Friday 8th June 2018.

If you or anyone you know has secured a place via the personal ballot or British Athletics Club and are interested in running for Narcolepsy UK then please get in touch with us via