Are you eligible for free NHS prescriptions? If you are under 16, over 60 or meet a range of other criteria as specified at, you may qualify for free prescriptions.
If you have to pay for your prescriptions, all is not lost. For most people who are prescribed medication to manage their narcolepsy, it is still possible to save a lot of money by buying a prescription prepayment certificate (PPC).
It currently costs £9.65 for a prescription. People with narcolepsy are often prescribed two or more medications to manage their condition and the costs can quickly add up. If this sounds like you, the chances are that you need a PPC.
Case study
Bryan has narcolepsy and cataplexy. He takes clomipramine to control his cataplexy and as this is a routine drug, his GP is happy to write a prescription for three months at a time. He also takes methylphenidate for his narcolepsy, but as this is a controlled medication it is prescribed on a monthly basis. So over the course of the year, Bryan would normally have to pay for 16 prescriptions (four for the clomipramine and 12 for the methylphenidate), adding up to £154.40 (16 x £9.65).
But Bryan buys an annual prescription prepayment certificate or PPC for £111.60, spreading the charge over 10 monthly direct debit instalments of £11.16. This way, he saves at least £37.80 a year and probably more because the PPC covers any other prescriptions he might need (e.g. for antibiotics). Not only does Bryan save money, but he found it surprisingly easy to set up and knowing exactly what he must spend on medication over the course of the year has helped him manage his monthly outgoings.
How to purchase a prescription prepayment certificate
The simplest way to buy a PPC is online through the NHS website. If you are unable to use this route, please ask your pharmacist. Many pharmacies can arrange this for you. If they are unable to do so, they will advise you on the nearest pharmacist that offers this service.