Sleep Centres – South East England and East Anglia
Papworth Hospital – Cambridge
Consultants: Dr Ian Smith, Dr Tim Quinnell, Dr Mike Davies and Dr Nick Oscroft
Services: NHS and private referrals (from general practitioners and medical specialists) / assessment (PSG/MSLT) / treatment / adult and paediatric narcolepsy
Address: Respiratory Support & Sleep Centre, Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Papworth Road, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge CB2 0BY
RSSC Outpatients Booking Office: 01223 638176
RSSC Inpatients Booking Office telephone: 01223 638182
RSSC Spares and Equipment: 01223 638890
CPAP Practioners: 01223 638526
Patient 24-hour helpline: 01223 638365
Note: Parking facilities are not good – the guided bus does drop off outside the hospital, and there is a bus stop outside ‘The Rosie’ (which is the childrens centre next door to the RSSC)
Conquest Hospital – East Sussex
Lead Clinician: Dr Simon Merritt (Consultant and Lead Clinician in Sleep Medicine), Wilf Kesse (Associate Specialist Surgeon in ENT and Sleep Medicine), Dr Nik Gkampranis (Consultant in Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine)
Services: NHS and private referrals (from general practitioners and medical specialists) / assessment (PSG/MSLT) / treatment / adult and paediatric narcolepsy
Address: Sleep Disorder Service, Conquest Hospital, The Ridge, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN37 7RD
Telephone: 01424 755470 Ext: 6226
Queen Victoria Hospital – East Grinstead
Lead Clinician: Dr Jonathan Ratoff, Dr Peter Venn
Services: NHS and private referrals (from general practitioners and medical specialists) / assessment (PSG/MSLT) / treatment / adult and paediatric narcolepsy
Address: Sleep Unit, Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 3DZ
Telephone: 01342 414368
Lister Hospital – Stevenage
Lead Clinicians: Dr Alison McMillan, Dr Katie Chong
Services: NHS and private referrals (from general practitioners and medical specialists) / assessment (PSG/MSLT) / treatment
Address: Respiratory Medicine, Lister Hospital, Corey’s Mill Lane, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 4AB
Telephone: 01483 781200
John Radcliffe Hospital (West Wing and Oxford Children’s Hospital) – Oxford
Lead Clinicians: Dr Mkael Symmonds and Dr Graham Lennex
Services: NHS and private referrals (from general practitioners and medical specialists) / assessment (PSG/MSLT) / treatment / adult and paediatric narcolepsy
Address: Sleep Disorders Service, Department of Neurophysiology, West Wing, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford, OX3 9DU
Telephone: 01865 231817
Southampton Children’s Hospital
Lead Clinician: Dr Catherine M Hill
Nurse: Jo McCubbin
Address: Southampton Children’s Hospital, Southampton General Hospital, Tremona Road, Southampton SO16 6YD
Telephone: 023 8077 7222
Portsmouth Hospital
Staff: Liz Walker, Tess Compton-Price, Ruth de Vos, Claudia Maldonado, Kat Porter, Neil Titmuss and Phil Pearson
Address: Respiratory Outpatients Department, Level C, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Cosham, Portsmouth PO6 3LY
Telephone: 02392 286000 Ext 3448 or 3449