6th February 2020
On behalf of the board of trustees and everyone at Narcolepsy UK, we’d like to welcome Amanda Molloy to the board and say a fond farewell to Steve Jones and Hugh Davies-Webb who stepped down in 2019. Matt O’Neill will continue as Chair & has now stood down from the board of the Neurological Alliance England to allow him to focus more on his core activities for Narcolepsy UK, raising awareness and fundraising, particularly in the corporate world. Ed Coates, Tim Kavanagh, Henry Nicholls and Helen Strongman will remain as trustees.
Trustees are volunteers who make sure that Narcolepsy UK is run in the interests of people with narcolepsy and their supporters, and strategically oversee the management and administration of the charity. As Narcolepsy UK is a small organisation, they are also actively involved in the charity’s activities.
Amanda will bring her perspective as a practicing GP, and mother of a daughter with narcolepsy, to the board. She is also our volunteer shared care advisor and has already been a great asset to the charity helping many people with narcolepsy to access their medications.
Steve Jones and Hugh Davies-Webb served on the board for a combined 13 years. Steve will be missed as a great organising force and conference master of ceremonies. Hugh for his practicality, knowledge & technical assistance at conference. We wish them both luck for the future and thank them for their hard work.
We hope to recruit new trustees in 2020, especially those with backgrounds in finance, marketing and communications. Please do get in touch.